I had in total 3 jobs. Started at Argos, then had a mammoth one shift at Walkabout, and ended up at Astute telemarketing. Good old cold calling, lost count of how many times I had the phone put down on me! I did find it very beneficial though. I gained something that I lacked last year, organisation and time and management skills. I was also given a lot of responsibilty, becoming a BT representative and having to attend a meeting with BT managers. This added responsibility has given me even more confidence. After having to leave due to the start of the second year they have offered me a part time contract, something which is very rare within the company and something that I am keen to snap up.
It wasn't all work work work though. During the summer I went to Linkin Park and Jay Z at Milton Keynes Bowl and also went to Reading Festival. Both absolutely amazing. Favourite band at Reading? Does It Offend You, Yeah! hands down.
I was also required to complete a referral essay assignment for PPRD due to not passing it at the end of last year. I felt it was fair to fail me as last year I cruised through it, a mistake I'm not making again. I found the essay to be very useful to myself, as it gave me a chance to reflect on the whole of the first year and all the mistakes that I did make. This is something that I will learn from, and I have found myself to be looking forward to the first year greatly and am really motivated.
Roll on year 2, and say hello to geek McMorrow!

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