We decided to target 16-24 year old males that have particular interests in extreme sports. More specifically the sports that Animal currently have an association with. We split this up into four elements - water, snow, wind and dirt. We then researched into Animals main competitors in this range of market. Picking out Fat Face, Oakley and Quicksilver as the strongest competitors. We specifically researched into their watch ranges. We also researched into the range of watches that Animal currently has to offer. We found them to be quite different from their competitors. As well as the buckled and steel straps found in other brands, Animal use a velcro strap for extra strength, (especially during extreme sports) that they invented. Their watches are known for their sturdyness as well as being water resistant. They have very reasonable prices ranging from £60-£100 for their main range. However they also offer a flagship range.

We then produced a colour scheme that would be associated with the four elements (water, snow, wind and dirt). We particularly looked into the dirt range. Using Adobe’s Kuler, we were able to come up with combinations of colours that complimented each other well. We added the CMYK colours at the bottom to show how they still could be used with bright colours. We also briefly researched into the events that Animal run for extreme sports, and how we could maybe associate the packaging with a particular event, or Worldwide Freeride (the name given for the collection of events).

We then collected examples of illustrations from the Animal website, and compared them to example that we had collected throughout the day which kept in with the brand. We also looked at photography, as well as typefaces which we found to be a mixture of bold sans serif and hand rendered.

As a group we felt that an important part of the industry today is to produce eco friendly and recyable packaging. We mainly researched into easily obtainable recycable materials such as newspaper. But also looked into materials such as tyre, that could be linked in with sports such as Mountain Biking and Motocross. Whilst researching into this we found a purse featuring imagery to do with travel, that we felt could be strongly linked with the nature of having to travel far and wide to partake in extreme sport activities.